The Army Painter - Warpaints Washes Paint Set
With the coloured Quickshade Washes you will get not only great shading, but also the chance of colour toning your miniatures for that very special appearance. This new set contains all the original Quickshade Washes as well as three brand new colour tones to add to your painting arsenal.
-11x 18ml Warpaints Quickshade Washes
Strong Tone
Dark Tone
Soft Tone
Flesh Wash
Light Tone
Mid Brown
Green Tone
Military Shader
Purple Tone
Blue Tone
Red Tone
-11x 18ml Warpaints Quickshade Washes
Strong Tone
Dark Tone
Soft Tone
Flesh Wash
Light Tone
Mid Brown
Green Tone
Military Shader
Purple Tone
Blue Tone
Red Tone
Paints for miniatures