Holiday working hours: 27.12. - 10:00-18:00 and 30.12. - 10:00-19:00! 23.12.-26.12.2024 and 31.12.2024 - 01.01.2025 - closed!

Security policy

By ordering goods, you agree that we use the information received for the internal needs of the store - billing, notifying the customer by phone and e-mail, order processing and so on.

When using   our web-page, we guarantee the security of data, since the safety of data and encryption occurs using an SSL (secure socket layer) puncture.

We use "  cookies" to filter products in search, and other functionality, such as comparing products.

The data of users of the web page are protected from loss, unauthorized use.  Your data will not be passed on to third parties or used for other purposes.