Viscounts of the West Kingdom - EN

ID: 220148
Product Code: RGS2127
EAN: 810011721272

  • 52,00€

Brief characteristics
Game language EN
All characteristics

Viscounts of the West Kingdom is set at a time when the King’s reign began to decline,circa 980 AD. Choosing peace over prosperity, our once strong King began offering our enemies gold and land to lay down their axes. But peace is a tenuous affair. As poverty spread, many people lost faith in his ability to lead and sought independence from the crown. Since finding favor in his courts, our future has also become uncertain. As viscounts, we must be wise and decisive. Loyalty is to be upheld, but gaining favor among the people must be our priority, should there be a sudden shift in power.

4 Corruption Markers
4 Virtue Markers
50 Silver
80 Workers (20 per color)
4 Viscounts (1 per color)
12 Guildhalls (3 per color)
12 Trading Posts (3 per color)
12 Workshops (3 per color)
24 Ink Wells
24 Gold
24 Stone
35 Manuscripts
1 Castle
1 Start Player Marker
4 Player Boards
5 Main Board Segments
68 Neutral Townsfolk Cards
10 Hero Townsfolk Cards
32 Starting Townsfolk Cards
4 Cleric Bonus Cards
1 Castle Leader Card
1 Poverty Card
1 Prosperity Card
10 Player Cards
4 Multiplier Cards
30 Debt Cards
30 Deed Cards
For Solo Play:
8 Starting Scheme Cards
8 Future Scheme Cards
1 AI Reference Card

Board games

Game language EN