SolForge Fusion: Hybrid Deck Game - Booster Kit - EN

ID: 221735
Product Code: SBE-SFF-S1-BK
EAN: 857789002455

  • 18,00€

Brief characteristics
Game language EN
All characteristics

The World's first hybrid Deck Game - Level up your cards as you play

6 Possible Decks in 1 kit
The SolForge Fusion Booster Kit is a reimagining of the traditional booster pack.

Each Booster Kit contains four one of a kind faction halfdecks.
These four half-decks can be also be recombined to create up to six different playable decks.
Combine with a player's current collection for limitless permutations.
Each booster kit includes enough cards for two players to create new decks.

4 Unique Half-Decks (128 cards)

Board games

Game language EN