Deep Space D-6 (EN)

ID: 194188
Product Code: TAUDSD6003
EAN: 019962051807

  • 26,00€

You are a Captain of the UEF! Your RPTR class starship was on routine patrol of the Auborne system when a distress call was received. Upon warping in you quickly realized it was a trap! With the help of your crew, you must survive until a rescue fleet appears.

Deep Space D-6 is a solitaire dice game about surviving the cruel depths of space. Each turn you’ll roll Crew dice and assign them to stations. You must plan carefully to take care of internal and external threats to your ship. Survive to win.

Board games

Game language EN
Games lenght (minutes 30
Game genre Thematic
Gamers count 1-1
Age 10+


Type Board games