Dystopian corporate themed bidding and auctioning game for 3 to 5 players. Make a record profit while maintaining your corporate reputation!
You are the CEO of a trillion dollar company, balancing sponsoring Public and Private Sector projects. Your goal is to make money through profitable Private Sector projects while maintaining your brand image by sponsoring Public Sector projects.
At the end of the game, you will get sanctioned by the anticorporate group and be eliminated from the race for victory if you have the least reputation! Among the remaining CEOs, the CEO who made the most profit claims victory, and continues to be the elite of the elite!
You are the CEO of a trillion dollar company, balancing sponsoring Public and Private Sector projects. Your goal is to make money through profitable Private Sector projects while maintaining your brand image by sponsoring Public Sector projects.
At the end of the game, you will get sanctioned by the anticorporate group and be eliminated from the race for victory if you have the least reputation! Among the remaining CEOs, the CEO who made the most profit claims victory, and continues to be the elite of the elite!
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